For leaders. For boards. For any school need.

NextEd works with both sides of the equation, because we’ve been in both camps. You’ll get solutions that consider the realities of your situation.


Great leadership changes everything. Whether you’re looking for a job or looking for your next leader, NextEd can help you get there.


There are endless ways to make positive changes, but not always the bandwidth or know-how. Imagine what you could do with a trusted voice at your side?


NextEd is actively developing standards for the greater staff of school administrators. You can save on wasted time and effort.

Great words. Better people.

Allen Academy
To Know, To Serve, To Believe
Colorado Christian Academy
Savannah Christian Preparatory School
CESA: Council on educational standards and accountability
Covenant Day School
OpenSky Education
Southwest Christian School
ACSI: Association of Christian Schools International
Pacific Southwest District: Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
Lucas Christian Academy

Take the first step toward your next step, today!

Whatever you need, NextEd can find a way foward for you. It all starts with a conversation about you and the exciting opportunity (or pain point) you face.