Transforming through self-awareness.
Our partners have spent their careers in the process of growth and transformation. It’s these experiences that help us relate.
“I have seen significant growth in our head of school by working with NextEd, especially in this past year in refining his leadership and ensuring his vision is clearly communicated and cascaded appropriately across the organization – vertically and horizontally. I am also encouraged at his growth managing crucial conversations and relationships to eliminate personal interest and focus on upholding policy for the betterment of the organization.”
“Working with NextEd produced more growth and fruit than anything we’ve ever done as a Board/HOS. Thank you for your wisdom, coaching, and discipleship. We are better because of how the Lord works through you.”
Do you ever ask yourself...
Am I making the right decisions at crucial moments?
Do I have buy-in on my vision or are they just empty words?
How do I know I’m doing a good job as a leader?
Who is really working beside me through challenges - am I alone?
Am I balancing my personal and professional life well?
Does the school community see me as a spiritual leader?
How are my relationships with my board members and trustees?
Statistics show only 15% of people are self-aware to a healthy extent.
Our Promise:
We promise to learn who you are, the full picture, and use our experience and spiritual discernment to help you grow. Not in the way we think, but how He thinks.
How does this work?
Setup and Kickoff — A key ingredient for successful executive coaching is having an engagement sponsor. For School Heads, this is often a Board Chair or Board Member who will be a champion and supporter through the process.
We will have periodic alignment meetings through the course of the
engagement to ensure a clear direction. NextEd treats confidentiality as a
sacred trust, and because of that, you are the only one who shares
communication with your sponsor.
Coaching Sessions — Over the span of our coaching sessions, we will tackle your leadership vision, goal-setting, and coaching plan. The best plans are rooted in a clear and compelling vision with 2-3 goals. You will create performance goals that enhance (or start) growth.
360 Review + Campus Visit — Integrating a “360 Review” into the middle
of a coaching engagement significantly increases leader effectiveness by up to 60%. NextEd will visit your campus to help refine the plan and make it even more applicable to your environment.
More Coaching Sessions — Once the plan has been developed and refined, we will schedule out 60-minute bi-monthly coaching sessions. These sessions include prep, recap, goals, coaching, and looking ahead.
NextEd coaching sessions follow the GROW model: Goal, Reality, Options, and I Will (a 2-week action plan with accountability). At the coaching engagement’s midpoint, we have an alignment meeting with you and your sponsor to communicate progress and recalibrate if needed.
(Optional) 360 Review — If desired, we will take another complete look your coaching plan. This is an opportunity to further refine your vision and goals based on how things are going.
Close-out — By this point, a lot will have happened. This is the final meeting with your NextEd coach and engagement sponsor, before the “baton” exchanges to you. You will be equipped and empowered to own your future development plan with accountability.
We love to listen.
The first step for us is to fully understand what you need. Active listening always precedes action at NextEd.